Ektara Foundation
World Folk Music, Authentic Baul of Birbhum
Heritage & Culture of India
World Folk Music, Authentic Baul of Birbhum
Heritage & Culture of India
Baul Songs: were designated,
'Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity'
by UNESCO 2005
Indian Cinema, Folk Music, World Music, Spiritual Music of India,
Bhajan, Kirtan, Mantra, Chants, Indian Classical, Baul Fusion
50 years of Babu Kishan Music
All Purchase of Babu Kishan's Music go to support the Ektara Foundation:
The Ektara Foundation since the 1990's, Babu Kishan's goal has always been to preserve his lineage The Vaishnava Tantric Bauls of Birbhum Bengal.
He has preserved the Baul songs, however, he needs help with translation, books and documentaries from inside storytelling that is accurate, not reduced or watered down versions.
Registered in Mumbai 2007
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das is the creator & pioneer of 'Baul Fusion Music' since 1970.
A leading pioneer of 'World Music' since 1970.
Bhajan, Kirtan, Mantra, Chants, Indian Classical, Baul Fusion
50 years of Babu Kishan Music
All Purchase of Babu Kishan's Music go to support the Ektara Foundation:
The Ektara Foundation since the 1990's, Babu Kishan's goal has always been to preserve his lineage The Vaishnava Tantric Bauls of Birbhum Bengal.
He has preserved the Baul songs, however, he needs help with translation, books and documentaries from inside storytelling that is accurate, not reduced or watered down versions.
Registered in Mumbai 2007
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das is the creator & pioneer of 'Baul Fusion Music' since 1970.
A leading pioneer of 'World Music' since 1970.
Babu Kishan has archived and preserved all Baul songs of his one and only Baul indigenous ancestral lineage for over 60 years.
Gosai Chand (Chandra) Das Baul and Dasi
Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum W Bengal India
Gotra Achidananda the same lineage of Nityananda of Ekachakra Birbhum W Bengal India.
The path of the Baul Avadhuta and Krishna Sahaja / Dattatreya Sahaja (copyright) no poaching.
Master degree (MA) from Calcutta University, in Indian Music (Folk Music)
BA in India Philosophy,
12 years as a Monk at the Ramakrishna Mission
Expert in Indian Music
(Indian Cinema, Folk, Classical, World Music, Spiritual Indian much including Bhajan and Kirtans he has recorded, produced, composed music for many temples all over India. Tantric, Puranic, Vedic Chants.
He has traveled all over India and met with people at all levels of India, Indian Music, Indian Cinema, top politicians, top Spiritual Gurus, and temples, sadhaka's, tantrics, yogis and associated with all levels of Indian society, all over India many many times for decades at a time before internet and the fake social media Baul, at a time before the 'fake it til you make it' Baul which have now all passed away and are being paraded as Baul Guru's on a poster, they are not Baul Guru's as is being promoted?
He traveled as official government Cultural singers representing Baul and Bengal along with his father Purna Das Baul and mother Manju Das for Presidents, Prime Ministers of India. Political parties since the 1970's and through his work composing music and film work in Indian Cinema first in Calcutta and then in Bollywood.
Very few people in Indian history have had a taste of all of India and worked with all the top. Some pretendian fake Bauls have tried to copy his Grandfather, father and now Babu Kishan by posting they have taught at Univerisites, trying to make it like they are associated with Bollywood, traveling to temples posting pictures of themselves, and teaching at Universities around the world, but they are unqualified as a Baul and as an academic, they are teaching false narratives, as their videos have clearly shown? They will be qualified by Babu Kishan, they will be called out, because the fist tenant of Baul is Satya telling the truth, a liar and fake can never be a Baul and there is no such thing as a Baul artist or Baul master?
Baul is indigenous and the UN clearly states only and indigenous persona has a right to self-determine who they are? Authentic Baul can not and should not be faked.
Lyrics and poetry by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul
Organized all of the Folk Music of India's for Bombay's biggest Music Companies in Bombay.
Award Winning Music Composer since 1970.
Music Composer, Musican adept at 13 instruments, Music Producer
Baul songs are ancient spiritual songs from the soil and soul of India, some consider them legendary folk songs of Bengal.
They were brought to the World Music scene in the 1950's, to USA in 1967 and Europe in 1970 by this one and only Lineage.
Gosai Chand (Chandra) Das Baul and Dasi
Vaishnava Sahajiya Tantric Bauls of Birbhum W Bengal India
Gotra Achidananda the same lineage of Nityananda of Ekachakra Birbhum W Bengal India.
The path of the Baul Avadhuta and Krishna Sahaja / Dattatreya Sahaja (copyright) no poaching.
Master degree (MA) from Calcutta University, in Indian Music (Folk Music)
BA in India Philosophy,
12 years as a Monk at the Ramakrishna Mission
Expert in Indian Music
(Indian Cinema, Folk, Classical, World Music, Spiritual Indian much including Bhajan and Kirtans he has recorded, produced, composed music for many temples all over India. Tantric, Puranic, Vedic Chants.
He has traveled all over India and met with people at all levels of India, Indian Music, Indian Cinema, top politicians, top Spiritual Gurus, and temples, sadhaka's, tantrics, yogis and associated with all levels of Indian society, all over India many many times for decades at a time before internet and the fake social media Baul, at a time before the 'fake it til you make it' Baul which have now all passed away and are being paraded as Baul Guru's on a poster, they are not Baul Guru's as is being promoted?
He traveled as official government Cultural singers representing Baul and Bengal along with his father Purna Das Baul and mother Manju Das for Presidents, Prime Ministers of India. Political parties since the 1970's and through his work composing music and film work in Indian Cinema first in Calcutta and then in Bollywood.
Very few people in Indian history have had a taste of all of India and worked with all the top. Some pretendian fake Bauls have tried to copy his Grandfather, father and now Babu Kishan by posting they have taught at Univerisites, trying to make it like they are associated with Bollywood, traveling to temples posting pictures of themselves, and teaching at Universities around the world, but they are unqualified as a Baul and as an academic, they are teaching false narratives, as their videos have clearly shown? They will be qualified by Babu Kishan, they will be called out, because the fist tenant of Baul is Satya telling the truth, a liar and fake can never be a Baul and there is no such thing as a Baul artist or Baul master?
Baul is indigenous and the UN clearly states only and indigenous persona has a right to self-determine who they are? Authentic Baul can not and should not be faked.
Lyrics and poetry by Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul
Organized all of the Folk Music of India's for Bombay's biggest Music Companies in Bombay.
Award Winning Music Composer since 1970.
Music Composer, Musican adept at 13 instruments, Music Producer
Baul songs are ancient spiritual songs from the soil and soul of India, some consider them legendary folk songs of Bengal.
They were brought to the World Music scene in the 1950's, to USA in 1967 and Europe in 1970 by this one and only Lineage.
Example of Baul fusion, World Music - early 1990's
Babu Kishan is the creator of Baul fusion, starting in 1970,
Awarded the youngest Music Composer of Bengal at that time.
Babu Kishan and Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys!
This is a song for our time, we are all looking for Peace.
This song is the philosophy of life (Baul).
Babu Kishan is the creator of Baul fusion, starting in 1970,
Awarded the youngest Music Composer of Bengal at that time.
Babu Kishan and Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys!
This is a song for our time, we are all looking for Peace.
This song is the philosophy of life (Baul).
Baul originates from Ekachakra Birbhum West Bengal India
Babu Kishan aka (Krishnendu Das Baul) is an 11th generation Vaishnava Tantric Baul of Birbhum Bengal'. Along with his Legendary Grandfather & Guru Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, father Padma Shree Baul Samarat Purna Das Baul and himself they are the Legendary pioneers who introduced Baul to all over India and then to the World.
Babu Kishan created Baul fusion Music collaborating with famous Indian Cinema singers and famed western folk and rock singers since the 1970's.
Babu Kishan is the first Baul to preserve, organize and bring Baul culture & music to World Music, Universities, Festivals, Media, Film, Cinema, Drama, Baul Poetry, recorded, produced, made famous with leading music companies, from vinyl records, cassettes to the digital world, to stages around the world as the chief attractions including Royal Albert Hall and Carnegie Hall and all the largest stadiums in India.
He single handedly created a concrete platform for other Bauls to follow, when he started there was no internet and no one knew what a Baul was, today most people know what a Baul is after his 4 decades of taking Baul around the world and organizing tours lectures at Universities.
He worked from the ground up for decades.
He is the first Baul to be educated in English, first to write books on Baul, his new book will be his 4th.
All new Baul singers follow his style including his family, they sing this lineages songs including Babu Kishan own lyric without giving credit, they dress as them and follow Nabani Das Style Ektara, Baya, Nupoor and Khamak (mystic drum) which Nabani named the mystic drum the
'Ananda Lahari 'and it has 2 strings only thanks to Nabani. Today those using the name Ananda Lahari do not even know where the name came from, yet they are making up new fake lineages?
They are the one and only lineage of Baul, and no one in this world would even know about Baul
without them. They are the only Pioneers and thanks to Nabani Das Khyapa Baul who was associated with all of Bengal and India's top.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul was the only Baul who initiated Rabindranath Tagore into Baul.
Photo of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul taken by Rabindranath Tagore who is the first Indian Nobel Peace Prize recipient for Literature in 1913.
Tagore wrote the Indian National Anthem, The Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan National Anthems.
Babu Kishan aka (Krishnendu Das Baul) is an 11th generation Vaishnava Tantric Baul of Birbhum Bengal'. Along with his Legendary Grandfather & Guru Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, father Padma Shree Baul Samarat Purna Das Baul and himself they are the Legendary pioneers who introduced Baul to all over India and then to the World.
Babu Kishan created Baul fusion Music collaborating with famous Indian Cinema singers and famed western folk and rock singers since the 1970's.
Babu Kishan is the first Baul to preserve, organize and bring Baul culture & music to World Music, Universities, Festivals, Media, Film, Cinema, Drama, Baul Poetry, recorded, produced, made famous with leading music companies, from vinyl records, cassettes to the digital world, to stages around the world as the chief attractions including Royal Albert Hall and Carnegie Hall and all the largest stadiums in India.
He single handedly created a concrete platform for other Bauls to follow, when he started there was no internet and no one knew what a Baul was, today most people know what a Baul is after his 4 decades of taking Baul around the world and organizing tours lectures at Universities.
He worked from the ground up for decades.
He is the first Baul to be educated in English, first to write books on Baul, his new book will be his 4th.
All new Baul singers follow his style including his family, they sing this lineages songs including Babu Kishan own lyric without giving credit, they dress as them and follow Nabani Das Style Ektara, Baya, Nupoor and Khamak (mystic drum) which Nabani named the mystic drum the
'Ananda Lahari 'and it has 2 strings only thanks to Nabani. Today those using the name Ananda Lahari do not even know where the name came from, yet they are making up new fake lineages?
They are the one and only lineage of Baul, and no one in this world would even know about Baul
without them. They are the only Pioneers and thanks to Nabani Das Khyapa Baul who was associated with all of Bengal and India's top.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul was the only Baul who initiated Rabindranath Tagore into Baul.
Photo of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul taken by Rabindranath Tagore who is the first Indian Nobel Peace Prize recipient for Literature in 1913.
Tagore wrote the Indian National Anthem, The Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan National Anthems.
All Purchase of Babu Kishan's Music go to support the Ektara Foundation since 1990's
Registered in Mumbai 2007
Registered in Mumbai 2007
Bengali Bauls ...at the Big Pink in Woodstock New York 1967 One of the first World Music Albums
Photo of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul
Babu Kishan's Guru and Grandfather
Photo of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul
Babu Kishan's Guru and Grandfather
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das is the creator of Baul fusion 2 decades before others are claiming. He has a huge list of Baul recordings before any other person and has recorded, produced, composed over
80 % of his father's Purna Das Bauls most popular music.
Babu Kishan has performed around the world on some of the biggest stages with World Musicians from different cultures since the 1970's.
Since the early 1970's he is the 1st to create his own style of 'Baul World Fusion Music' and has performed with many over 4 decades including:
George Harrison,
Bob Dylan,
Rolling Stones,
Beach Boys,
Chakka Khan,
Ravi Shankar,
Zakir Hussain,
Tom Petty,
Miles Davies,
Allan Fakir,
Herbie Mann,
Third World,
Robbie Robertson,
Garth Hudson,
Levon Helm,
Ziggy Marley and others.
In India he has composed music for and worked with all the top Musicians, Singers. Truly there is no one more qualified to represent Music in all its forms.
Classical, Folk, Indian Cinema in all languages, he has categorized all of India's Folk Music for the big Music Companies in Bombay India and worked for those companies as a consultant, music composer and music producer and Film promotion & production. He has promoted East and West throughout India.
Please visit his web site
Composed Music for, Recorded, Produced, Marketed for:
Kumar Sanu,
Sadhna Sargam,
Kavita Krishnamurthy,
Udit Narayan,
Sudesh Bhosle,
Mohd.Aziz, V
ijay Benedict,
Asha Bhosle,
Anup Jalota,
Suresh Wadkar,
Usha Mangeshkar,
Ravindra jain,
Nitin Mukesh,
Alka Yagnik,
Vinod Rathod,
Ghulam Ali,
Mehdi Hassan,
Pankaj Udhas,
Anuradha Paudwal,
Amit Kumar and many others.
80 % of his father's Purna Das Bauls most popular music.
Babu Kishan has performed around the world on some of the biggest stages with World Musicians from different cultures since the 1970's.
Since the early 1970's he is the 1st to create his own style of 'Baul World Fusion Music' and has performed with many over 4 decades including:
George Harrison,
Bob Dylan,
Rolling Stones,
Beach Boys,
Chakka Khan,
Ravi Shankar,
Zakir Hussain,
Tom Petty,
Miles Davies,
Allan Fakir,
Herbie Mann,
Third World,
Robbie Robertson,
Garth Hudson,
Levon Helm,
Ziggy Marley and others.
In India he has composed music for and worked with all the top Musicians, Singers. Truly there is no one more qualified to represent Music in all its forms.
Classical, Folk, Indian Cinema in all languages, he has categorized all of India's Folk Music for the big Music Companies in Bombay India and worked for those companies as a consultant, music composer and music producer and Film promotion & production. He has promoted East and West throughout India.
Please visit his web site
Composed Music for, Recorded, Produced, Marketed for:
Kumar Sanu,
Sadhna Sargam,
Kavita Krishnamurthy,
Udit Narayan,
Sudesh Bhosle,
Mohd.Aziz, V
ijay Benedict,
Asha Bhosle,
Anup Jalota,
Suresh Wadkar,
Usha Mangeshkar,
Ravindra jain,
Nitin Mukesh,
Alka Yagnik,
Vinod Rathod,
Ghulam Ali,
Mehdi Hassan,
Pankaj Udhas,
Anuradha Paudwal,
Amit Kumar and many others.
The official Largest ever 'Baul ARCHIVE' and PRESERVATION of Baul was complete decades ago.
Baul HAS ALREADY BEEN PRESERVED by Nabani Das Khyapa Bauls grandson BABU KISHAN aka Krishnendu Das Baul as per Nabani and Brajabala wishes.
Babu Kishan has worked with a dogged determination and with a strong intent to do as his Baul Guru's (Grandparents and the last authentic Bauls to live on the planet) from Birth as they have directed him to do.
Babu Kishan was one of the leading authorities in the 1980's through to 2005 working as a Music Composer and top management for all the top Music Companies in Bombay, categorizing all of India's Folk Music for all the top record companies.
He was a Music composer and Music Producer, Filmmaker for 4 decades in India.
Babu Kishan with his 4th book on his ONE and ONLY LINEAGE of Vaishnava Tantric Baul and it is a tell all, right down to the nitty gritty to be released in 2023.
World Music aka Global Music and Culture are more important than ever, to listen to, to preserve and showcase cultures and cultural mixes, hold the keys to the future of humanity.
Baul is one such culture that needs correct preservation from someone inside the tradition inside the only lineage of Baul.
Unfortunately false narratives and people have come forward over the past decade (age of social media) and untruths teaching false teachings, watering down reducing the content of Baul culture, songs and stories.
Baul is not an umbrella name or any wandering people, Baul has very specific songs, Baul is from a specific area in India, today Baul is popular only because of this legendary pioneering only lineage
however Baul has been appropriated as are many indigenous communities. New comers copy and paste from books, from listening to the poets from this lineage, taking off their names and replacing it with their own names.
Their names are being cut off and the poetry is being appropriated, changed and made random. Baul is NOT from Turkey or Persia, Baul is not Muslim aka Sai, Fakir, Dervish, Shah nothing wrong with those but they are not Baul, it is Hindu who accepted all.
Baul does not sing Bangladeshi folk or water songs.
There are many great poets but they are not Baul and only a authentic Baul would know, unless you have a huge history of Indian Music and unless you can tell who is who in vernacular language.
Baul is Sanskrit first and vernacular Birbhum Bengali.
Baul is 'World Music' Nabani Das Khyapa Baul popularized Baul as he was the only Baul Guru to Rabindranath Tagore and associated with Jawaharlal Nehru the 1st Prime Minister of India. Nehru knew Nabani's power (shakti) and knew he could draw people to his speeches during the Freedom Movement, thus Nabani would sing as his part of the Freedom of India movement from British. Nabani was a well known Tantric healer and Baul Avadhut and previously he had already traveled all over India, Tibet and Nepal.
Later his eldest son Purna Das Baul sang all over India for Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi along with Babu Kishan who traveled all over India as representatives of Bengali Culture singing before the political leaders gave their speeches.
Purna Das Baul was the first Baul ever to travel outside India to Russia in the 1950's, to Europe in the 1970, USA in 1967, thus the world music of Baul began. Others only started to follow in the 1980's and 1990's they copied everything this lineage did, not one of them came from Baul but this is when false narratives started, and now with social media it has exploded to nothing to even do with Baul.
In 1970's Babu Kishan started to compose Baul music composing over 80% of his father's (Purna Das Baul's) music. All Bauls follow this lineage, there is only one lineage, they copy their songs, their style and even where they go tracking down their friends. There are stories of how they under cut this lineage, even though Babu Kishan created the platform for them to follow. Sometimes life is just stranger than fiction.
Babu Kishan worked with a dogged determination bringing Baul to the World in a big way, to USA, Asia, Europe, Australia, Canada and around the world many times starting in the 1970's to 2010 in the meantime many new young singers have come forth, watering down and creating false narratives and lineages?
He promoted Baul and created a template for others to follow. He created Baul fusion with many of the Worlds top singers and with Indian Cinema.
Baul and Babu Kishan are one of the first to promote World Music, Indian Music Folk and Classical Worldwide as representatives of Indian Culture through ICCR and Sangeet Natak Akademi.
Baul HAS ALREADY BEEN PRESERVED by Nabani Das Khyapa Bauls grandson BABU KISHAN aka Krishnendu Das Baul as per Nabani and Brajabala wishes.
Babu Kishan has worked with a dogged determination and with a strong intent to do as his Baul Guru's (Grandparents and the last authentic Bauls to live on the planet) from Birth as they have directed him to do.
Babu Kishan was one of the leading authorities in the 1980's through to 2005 working as a Music Composer and top management for all the top Music Companies in Bombay, categorizing all of India's Folk Music for all the top record companies.
He was a Music composer and Music Producer, Filmmaker for 4 decades in India.
Babu Kishan with his 4th book on his ONE and ONLY LINEAGE of Vaishnava Tantric Baul and it is a tell all, right down to the nitty gritty to be released in 2023.
World Music aka Global Music and Culture are more important than ever, to listen to, to preserve and showcase cultures and cultural mixes, hold the keys to the future of humanity.
Baul is one such culture that needs correct preservation from someone inside the tradition inside the only lineage of Baul.
Unfortunately false narratives and people have come forward over the past decade (age of social media) and untruths teaching false teachings, watering down reducing the content of Baul culture, songs and stories.
Baul is not an umbrella name or any wandering people, Baul has very specific songs, Baul is from a specific area in India, today Baul is popular only because of this legendary pioneering only lineage
however Baul has been appropriated as are many indigenous communities. New comers copy and paste from books, from listening to the poets from this lineage, taking off their names and replacing it with their own names.
Their names are being cut off and the poetry is being appropriated, changed and made random. Baul is NOT from Turkey or Persia, Baul is not Muslim aka Sai, Fakir, Dervish, Shah nothing wrong with those but they are not Baul, it is Hindu who accepted all.
Baul does not sing Bangladeshi folk or water songs.
There are many great poets but they are not Baul and only a authentic Baul would know, unless you have a huge history of Indian Music and unless you can tell who is who in vernacular language.
Baul is Sanskrit first and vernacular Birbhum Bengali.
Baul is 'World Music' Nabani Das Khyapa Baul popularized Baul as he was the only Baul Guru to Rabindranath Tagore and associated with Jawaharlal Nehru the 1st Prime Minister of India. Nehru knew Nabani's power (shakti) and knew he could draw people to his speeches during the Freedom Movement, thus Nabani would sing as his part of the Freedom of India movement from British. Nabani was a well known Tantric healer and Baul Avadhut and previously he had already traveled all over India, Tibet and Nepal.
Later his eldest son Purna Das Baul sang all over India for Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi along with Babu Kishan who traveled all over India as representatives of Bengali Culture singing before the political leaders gave their speeches.
Purna Das Baul was the first Baul ever to travel outside India to Russia in the 1950's, to Europe in the 1970, USA in 1967, thus the world music of Baul began. Others only started to follow in the 1980's and 1990's they copied everything this lineage did, not one of them came from Baul but this is when false narratives started, and now with social media it has exploded to nothing to even do with Baul.
In 1970's Babu Kishan started to compose Baul music composing over 80% of his father's (Purna Das Baul's) music. All Bauls follow this lineage, there is only one lineage, they copy their songs, their style and even where they go tracking down their friends. There are stories of how they under cut this lineage, even though Babu Kishan created the platform for them to follow. Sometimes life is just stranger than fiction.
Babu Kishan worked with a dogged determination bringing Baul to the World in a big way, to USA, Asia, Europe, Australia, Canada and around the world many times starting in the 1970's to 2010 in the meantime many new young singers have come forth, watering down and creating false narratives and lineages?
He promoted Baul and created a template for others to follow. He created Baul fusion with many of the Worlds top singers and with Indian Cinema.
Baul and Babu Kishan are one of the first to promote World Music, Indian Music Folk and Classical Worldwide as representatives of Indian Culture through ICCR and Sangeet Natak Akademi.
Kshitimohan Sen Shastri 1880 –1960 was a Bengali scholar, writer and a Sanskrit professor. He was an acting Upacharya of Visva-Bharti University in Shantiniketan Birbhum from (1953–1954). He is the maternal grandfather of Dr. Amaryta Sen. Kshitimohan said, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul was the last authentic Baul on earth he was inspired and a beloved friend of Nabani Das Baul's. Kshitimohan appreciated Nabani's Mastery of Sanskrit and his pure mystical genius. There were many well known great friends of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul but these 2 Kshitimohan Sen Shastri, , and the great Santal Sculpture Ram Kinkar Baij were often found around him.
Rare recording of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul (1890-1969) singing a Baul song.
When the Roots World Music, Baul Music and Folk Music are cut the tree of these will die!
Rare recording of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul (1890-1969) singing a Baul song.
When the Roots World Music, Baul Music and Folk Music are cut the tree of these will die!
Krishnendu Das Baul aka Babu Kishan is an expert in the 'Folk Music of Bengal and India'. He was a Music consultant during the 1980 and 1990's for CBS India and Manager A&R, specifically hired to categorize all of India's Folk and Classical Music because of his expertise.
Composed, Produced, Marketed Successfully 60 ALBUMS
200 or more of his poetry (lyrics) have produced super duper hit songs.
Babu Kishan has Composed- Profile - Principle - Live Background Music for more than 10 Bengali & Hindi Drama & Theatre Productions. The most popular Sri Chaitanya MahaPrabhu, Aposh, Marg, Amla Madhu and In Hindi Koi Nahi, Atma and more...
● He has Produced many successful TV series, documentaries for Indian National and other TV Stations.
Senior Management in Indian Cinema, Music Consultant, Major Bollywood Event Film and Music Release Event Planner. Lifetime friends with Senior Journalist of all Major News Sources and Connected Politically from a young age.
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das has been a Cultural Representative of India for 45 years appointed by the Government of India, traveling through India and Worldwide for the Indian Government as a representative of Indian Culture AND MUSIC since 1970 through Sangeet Natak Akademi "Indian National Academy of Music Dance and Drama" & ICCR "Indian Council of Cultural Relations"
Krishnendu Das Baul aka Babu Kishan is an expert in the 'Folk Music of Bengal and India'. He was a Music consultant from the 1980's to 2000's for CBS India and other Music Companies and he was an Manager A&R, specifically hired to categorize all of India's Folk and Classical Music because of his expertise.
Babu Kishan is a Master of Indian Folk and Indian Classical as a Music Composer and Master of Indian Music.
Career History – Senior Management – Music & Film Industry India
1978 – 1990 HMV- Composer, Writer of Music for famous India singers.
1986 -1993 Venus/Tips/Music India, Music Producer, and Composer
1986-1993 CBS - Music Producer, Creative Director India, promoter, of artist such as Cindy Lauper, Micheal Jackson, New Kids on the Block, Pink Floyd, Gypsy Kings and others.
1991 -2004 Digital Music Studio – Owned, and Operated by Babukishan – Composer, Music Production for Film.
1994-1996 Time Audio Video – ABCL Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Ltd - Quality Assurance Manager Film & Music Production/Marketing, and Event Management. Film, and Music Promotion.
1997-2004 Universal Music Label - Music Producer, Music Composer, Consultant
1996-1999 PEN Audio Video Film - Music Producer, Promoter, Consultant
1996-2001 T-series- Music Producer - Composer
Babu Kishan has profitably successful marketed and sold 300 Films and 500 Albums. Composed, Produced, Sold and Marketed at least 60 of his own albums. He is an expert at Creating Film from the start to the selling it successfully.
He is a Master Music Composer Producer from beginning to end sales and has been successful in the business of Film and Music for over 40 years.
Babu Kishan sold Film Rights More than 300 - Super Hit Albums & Films in the
1978 - 2008
Babu Kishan has traveled throughout India hundreds of times with Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and his family singing Baul Mystic Music and playing on all the largest stages in India and around the world.
The Vaishnava Bauls are known as the wandering rural Bengali street singers. Babu Kishan and his pioneering family brought Baul out of the villages of Bengal to India and the world. Babu Kishan was born in Suri Bengal a village, into an ancient Lineage of Folk and Mystical Music. He was awarded the Youngest Music Composer of Bengal during the 1970's. He is a multi instrumentalist playing 15 instruments.
He has been recording and preserving the folk music of India for 40 years. Born on the soil and soul of Bengal into a ancient Vaishnava Baul family, with a Masters degree from Calcutta University in Folk Music.
He has recorded, produced, promoted
through India's top Music Labels the biggest Folk Musicians of India including,
Dr. Bhupen Hazarika
Purna Das Baul
Manju Das
Gostho Gopal
Aarti Mukerjee
Sapna Awasthi
Sapna Chakroborty
Amar Pal
Allan Fakir
Abida Parveen
Sharada Sinha
Anuradha Paudwal
Mahendra Kapoor
Phalguni Pahak
Daiyanti Bai
Baba Pagla
Monohar Khepa
Gopa Bose (UK) now
and many more.
'Click' - on the 2 links below to listen to Folk Music Composed, Produced by Babu Kishan then known as Krishnendu Das
Composed, Produced, Marketed Successfully 60 ALBUMS
200 or more of his poetry (lyrics) have produced super duper hit songs.
Babu Kishan has Composed- Profile - Principle - Live Background Music for more than 10 Bengali & Hindi Drama & Theatre Productions. The most popular Sri Chaitanya MahaPrabhu, Aposh, Marg, Amla Madhu and In Hindi Koi Nahi, Atma and more...
● He has Produced many successful TV series, documentaries for Indian National and other TV Stations.
Senior Management in Indian Cinema, Music Consultant, Major Bollywood Event Film and Music Release Event Planner. Lifetime friends with Senior Journalist of all Major News Sources and Connected Politically from a young age.
Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das has been a Cultural Representative of India for 45 years appointed by the Government of India, traveling through India and Worldwide for the Indian Government as a representative of Indian Culture AND MUSIC since 1970 through Sangeet Natak Akademi "Indian National Academy of Music Dance and Drama" & ICCR "Indian Council of Cultural Relations"
Krishnendu Das Baul aka Babu Kishan is an expert in the 'Folk Music of Bengal and India'. He was a Music consultant from the 1980's to 2000's for CBS India and other Music Companies and he was an Manager A&R, specifically hired to categorize all of India's Folk and Classical Music because of his expertise.
Babu Kishan is a Master of Indian Folk and Indian Classical as a Music Composer and Master of Indian Music.
Career History – Senior Management – Music & Film Industry India
1978 – 1990 HMV- Composer, Writer of Music for famous India singers.
1986 -1993 Venus/Tips/Music India, Music Producer, and Composer
1986-1993 CBS - Music Producer, Creative Director India, promoter, of artist such as Cindy Lauper, Micheal Jackson, New Kids on the Block, Pink Floyd, Gypsy Kings and others.
1991 -2004 Digital Music Studio – Owned, and Operated by Babukishan – Composer, Music Production for Film.
1994-1996 Time Audio Video – ABCL Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Ltd - Quality Assurance Manager Film & Music Production/Marketing, and Event Management. Film, and Music Promotion.
1997-2004 Universal Music Label - Music Producer, Music Composer, Consultant
1996-1999 PEN Audio Video Film - Music Producer, Promoter, Consultant
1996-2001 T-series- Music Producer - Composer
Babu Kishan has profitably successful marketed and sold 300 Films and 500 Albums. Composed, Produced, Sold and Marketed at least 60 of his own albums. He is an expert at Creating Film from the start to the selling it successfully.
He is a Master Music Composer Producer from beginning to end sales and has been successful in the business of Film and Music for over 40 years.
Babu Kishan sold Film Rights More than 300 - Super Hit Albums & Films in the
1978 - 2008
Babu Kishan has traveled throughout India hundreds of times with Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and his family singing Baul Mystic Music and playing on all the largest stages in India and around the world.
The Vaishnava Bauls are known as the wandering rural Bengali street singers. Babu Kishan and his pioneering family brought Baul out of the villages of Bengal to India and the world. Babu Kishan was born in Suri Bengal a village, into an ancient Lineage of Folk and Mystical Music. He was awarded the Youngest Music Composer of Bengal during the 1970's. He is a multi instrumentalist playing 15 instruments.
He has been recording and preserving the folk music of India for 40 years. Born on the soil and soul of Bengal into a ancient Vaishnava Baul family, with a Masters degree from Calcutta University in Folk Music.
He has recorded, produced, promoted
through India's top Music Labels the biggest Folk Musicians of India including,
Dr. Bhupen Hazarika
Purna Das Baul
Manju Das
Gostho Gopal
Aarti Mukerjee
Sapna Awasthi
Sapna Chakroborty
Amar Pal
Allan Fakir
Abida Parveen
Sharada Sinha
Anuradha Paudwal
Mahendra Kapoor
Phalguni Pahak
Daiyanti Bai
Baba Pagla
Monohar Khepa
Gopa Bose (UK) now
and many more.
'Click' - on the 2 links below to listen to Folk Music Composed, Produced by Babu Kishan then known as Krishnendu Das

Babu Kishan's spiritual music is heard in all temples of India he is the first person to record and produce the Hanuman Chalisa singing by Hari Om Sharan which is now the most listened to Indian Devotional music ever with over 2 billion listens on youtube.
Music Composed, Arranged and paid for by Babu Kishan
Babu Kishan has Composed Music for and recorded:
Anuradha Padwal,
Anup Jalota,
Suresh Wadkar,
Mahendra Kapoor,
Sadhana Sargam,
Ravindra Jain,
Ravi Shankar,
Ali Akbar Khan,
Kavita Krishnamurti,
Jai Mataji Temple,
Shirdi Sai Baba Temple,
Sita RamDas Omkarnath,
Balak Bramachari,
Anandamayi Ma,
Swami Narayan,
Nitin Mukesh
Lata Mangeshkar, Babu Kishan was one of the rare people that was allowed in Lata Mangeshkars music room.
Asha Bhosle is the younger sister of Lata Mangeshkar, she was married to RD Burman,
who was Babu Kishan's Indian Cinema Guru he spent 13 years as RD Burman's assistant.
and many more...
Babu Kishan has created more than 60 albums in: HINDI, BENGALI, SANSKRIT Oral and Classical, BHOJPURI, PUNJABI, GUJURATI, RAJASTANI & ENGLISH: with reputed music labels as, Universal Music, EMI, Polygram Music, CBS, Star Music, Sony, HMV,T-Series, and TIPS music and film labels, he has composed for feature film music and background music, private albums, Documentary films.
He has composed music for more than 150 musical film scores.
He has released over a thousand albums for others.
He toured with Bob Dylan’s & The Band in their 1985 that Babu Kishan called the East and West tour, a 40 city tour, Babu Kishan arranged to be in this tour and brought his parents along, although they did not participate in but a few, it was Babu who was friends of Bob Dylan and The Band.
He has performed and recorded with music industry greats such as George Harrison, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys, Chakka Khan, Ravi Shankar, Zakir Hussain, Tom Petty, Miles Davis, Allan Fakir, Herbie Mann, Third World, Bob Dylan's the Band Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm, Garth Hudson, Ziggy Marley, R.D.Burman, and many others independently.
R.D Burman was Babu's Bollywood Guru and friend for more than 13 years.
RD Burman's father SD Burman was a super fan of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul
Babu Kishan is rare, he has been to the top and has witnessed India through 6 decades though the eyes of all the top in Indian Music and Film he has met them, worked with them traveled with them. Politicians, singers, actors, and he was state singers for Indira Gandhi, Sanjiv Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi as part of the family personally traveling all over India. His Grandfather Nabani Das Khyappa Baul was Baul Guru dance teacher to Indira Gandhi and state artist singer for Nehru during the Indian Independence movement. He has done hundreds and hundreds of travels throughout India performing.
Babu kishan has been a cultural ambassador of India for 40 years traveling worldwide recognized through the Government of India's Sangeet Natak Academi "Indian National Academy of Music Dance and Drama" and ICCR "Indian Council of Cultural Relations"
He has performed at The Royal Albert Hall in London to the Carnegie Hall and all Big Stadiums in India in front of millions of people.
Festivals (Mela's)
In Bengal he created the huge Gopal Nagar Festival for the Bauls in the 1980's, it was successful but when he started to work in Mumbia nobody could keep it up.
World Music New York, Los Angles, San Diego, San Francisco, Taiwan, Mauritius, Seattle, Woodstock, Washington, Chicago, London, Germany, all over Europe in the 1970's and 1980's for 20 years and into the 1990 and 2000's he continued.
Montreal Pop Music Festival 2010
Attended Fundraisers, stage performances in London 1972, 1974, 1975 with his family along with Ravi Shankar and others, they were the Indian Musicians who performed as part of the fundraiser for Bangladesh created and hosted by the Rolling Stones, Beatles ect..
This is when he first met the Mick Jagger and is the only one to continue any relationship with the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and George Harrison over the years.
Babu Kishan Composed all the below Music, Produced, Recorded and Promoted all of these albums and more, he dedicated himself to Baul for decades. He used much of his own Baul poetry on these Albums, and they all have been a super duper hit. He worked with a determination like no other Archiving and Preserved Baul from the 1970's. Baul was Archived and Preserved decades ago, there is no need to remake the wheel, it has been done. All safe and when and after all this circus of Baul is over Babu Kishan will release all to the world.
As a taste of the already archived Baul history, Babu Kishan's 4th Book on the Das and Dasi Lineage of Baul, Historical Baul will be released in late 2018 or 2019, as only a taste of what is to come, after this the Authentic One and Only Baul Archive. After the book release the Archived Baul history will be further released with much caution and copyright. Babu feels after what he has seen being done with his families music and heritage and past cultural appropriation of the songs of this lineage, it is past time to step out of the shadow and it is time to speak out.
These songs are now going to be preserved with the correct poets names and if you want to record, if the correct poets name is not used there will be a copyright infringement made.
Sad to say but a true Baul does not use Baul for their own benefit making claims that are not true. Nobody wants to do this but because of the lack of respect this will be the future of Baul because it must be at least accurate. We are in the process of looking at legal action regarding Nabani Das Baul Poetry and this lineages poetry if Baul were not extinct it would not matter. Please Stay tuned.
Babu Kishan Composed all the above and below Music he Produced, Recorded and Promoted all of these albums and more, he dedicated himself to Baul for decades. He used many of his own Baul poetry on these Albums, and they all have been a super duper hit.
He worked with a determination like no other Archiving and Preserved Baul from the 1970's. Baul was Archived and Preserved decades ago, there is no need to remake the wheel, it has been done. All safe and when and after all this circus of Baul is over Babu Kishan will release all to the world.
Lila Roy Rabindranath Tagores personal English Translator and the Editor of my first English Book on Baul.
Remember Lila Roy, Rabindranath Tagore's English Translator and my English Editor of the English book I wrote on My Lineage, which was supported and sponsored by my great friends and well wishers George Harrison and Ravi Shankar. I had performed many times with Ravi Shankar, Ali Akbar Khan through Indian, Europe and America. Ravi Shankar and his family were our family friends. I have recored music with both George Harrison and Ravi Shankar.
Lila Roy was the only Western person who was a real Master of Bengali and understood the Soul and Soil of Bengal, she was a Legend and I do not want the world to forget her.
Babu Kishan designed the patchwork (Guduri) dress that now most Bauls wear today for performances, this is 'Baul History' if you wear or wore this dress or your GURU wore this dress, you follow this lineage.
If you sing the songs of this lineage you follow this lineage, if you dress as the women Baul from the film Tagori, Babu Kishan designed that style and dress too, it is the film about his aunt Radharani Dasi.
If you use Ektara Baya and Nagpur around your feet you are following Nabani Das Khyapa Baul (Period).
Babu Kishan Albums, Music Composed, Lyrics, Produced, Marketing on Top Labels by Babu Kishan
Babu Kishan's spiritual music is heard in all temples of India he is the first person to record and produce the Hanuman Chalisa singing by Hari Om Sharan which is now the most listened to Indian Devotional music ever with over 2 billion listens on youtube.
Music Composed, Arranged and paid for by Babu Kishan
Babu Kishan has Composed Music for and recorded:
Anuradha Padwal,
Anup Jalota,
Suresh Wadkar,
Mahendra Kapoor,
Sadhana Sargam,
Ravindra Jain,
Ravi Shankar,
Ali Akbar Khan,
Kavita Krishnamurti,
Jai Mataji Temple,
Shirdi Sai Baba Temple,
Sita RamDas Omkarnath,
Balak Bramachari,
Anandamayi Ma,
Swami Narayan,
Nitin Mukesh
Lata Mangeshkar, Babu Kishan was one of the rare people that was allowed in Lata Mangeshkars music room.
Asha Bhosle is the younger sister of Lata Mangeshkar, she was married to RD Burman,
who was Babu Kishan's Indian Cinema Guru he spent 13 years as RD Burman's assistant.
and many more...
Babu Kishan has created more than 60 albums in: HINDI, BENGALI, SANSKRIT Oral and Classical, BHOJPURI, PUNJABI, GUJURATI, RAJASTANI & ENGLISH: with reputed music labels as, Universal Music, EMI, Polygram Music, CBS, Star Music, Sony, HMV,T-Series, and TIPS music and film labels, he has composed for feature film music and background music, private albums, Documentary films.
He has composed music for more than 150 musical film scores.
He has released over a thousand albums for others.
He toured with Bob Dylan’s & The Band in their 1985 that Babu Kishan called the East and West tour, a 40 city tour, Babu Kishan arranged to be in this tour and brought his parents along, although they did not participate in but a few, it was Babu who was friends of Bob Dylan and The Band.
He has performed and recorded with music industry greats such as George Harrison, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys, Chakka Khan, Ravi Shankar, Zakir Hussain, Tom Petty, Miles Davis, Allan Fakir, Herbie Mann, Third World, Bob Dylan's the Band Robbie Robertson, Levon Helm, Garth Hudson, Ziggy Marley, R.D.Burman, and many others independently.
R.D Burman was Babu's Bollywood Guru and friend for more than 13 years.
RD Burman's father SD Burman was a super fan of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul
Babu Kishan is rare, he has been to the top and has witnessed India through 6 decades though the eyes of all the top in Indian Music and Film he has met them, worked with them traveled with them. Politicians, singers, actors, and he was state singers for Indira Gandhi, Sanjiv Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi as part of the family personally traveling all over India. His Grandfather Nabani Das Khyappa Baul was Baul Guru dance teacher to Indira Gandhi and state artist singer for Nehru during the Indian Independence movement. He has done hundreds and hundreds of travels throughout India performing.
Babu kishan has been a cultural ambassador of India for 40 years traveling worldwide recognized through the Government of India's Sangeet Natak Academi "Indian National Academy of Music Dance and Drama" and ICCR "Indian Council of Cultural Relations"
He has performed at The Royal Albert Hall in London to the Carnegie Hall and all Big Stadiums in India in front of millions of people.
Festivals (Mela's)
In Bengal he created the huge Gopal Nagar Festival for the Bauls in the 1980's, it was successful but when he started to work in Mumbia nobody could keep it up.
World Music New York, Los Angles, San Diego, San Francisco, Taiwan, Mauritius, Seattle, Woodstock, Washington, Chicago, London, Germany, all over Europe in the 1970's and 1980's for 20 years and into the 1990 and 2000's he continued.
Montreal Pop Music Festival 2010
Attended Fundraisers, stage performances in London 1972, 1974, 1975 with his family along with Ravi Shankar and others, they were the Indian Musicians who performed as part of the fundraiser for Bangladesh created and hosted by the Rolling Stones, Beatles ect..
This is when he first met the Mick Jagger and is the only one to continue any relationship with the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and George Harrison over the years.
Babu Kishan Composed all the below Music, Produced, Recorded and Promoted all of these albums and more, he dedicated himself to Baul for decades. He used much of his own Baul poetry on these Albums, and they all have been a super duper hit. He worked with a determination like no other Archiving and Preserved Baul from the 1970's. Baul was Archived and Preserved decades ago, there is no need to remake the wheel, it has been done. All safe and when and after all this circus of Baul is over Babu Kishan will release all to the world.
As a taste of the already archived Baul history, Babu Kishan's 4th Book on the Das and Dasi Lineage of Baul, Historical Baul will be released in late 2018 or 2019, as only a taste of what is to come, after this the Authentic One and Only Baul Archive. After the book release the Archived Baul history will be further released with much caution and copyright. Babu feels after what he has seen being done with his families music and heritage and past cultural appropriation of the songs of this lineage, it is past time to step out of the shadow and it is time to speak out.
These songs are now going to be preserved with the correct poets names and if you want to record, if the correct poets name is not used there will be a copyright infringement made.
Sad to say but a true Baul does not use Baul for their own benefit making claims that are not true. Nobody wants to do this but because of the lack of respect this will be the future of Baul because it must be at least accurate. We are in the process of looking at legal action regarding Nabani Das Baul Poetry and this lineages poetry if Baul were not extinct it would not matter. Please Stay tuned.
Babu Kishan Composed all the above and below Music he Produced, Recorded and Promoted all of these albums and more, he dedicated himself to Baul for decades. He used many of his own Baul poetry on these Albums, and they all have been a super duper hit.
He worked with a determination like no other Archiving and Preserved Baul from the 1970's. Baul was Archived and Preserved decades ago, there is no need to remake the wheel, it has been done. All safe and when and after all this circus of Baul is over Babu Kishan will release all to the world.
Lila Roy Rabindranath Tagores personal English Translator and the Editor of my first English Book on Baul.
Remember Lila Roy, Rabindranath Tagore's English Translator and my English Editor of the English book I wrote on My Lineage, which was supported and sponsored by my great friends and well wishers George Harrison and Ravi Shankar. I had performed many times with Ravi Shankar, Ali Akbar Khan through Indian, Europe and America. Ravi Shankar and his family were our family friends. I have recored music with both George Harrison and Ravi Shankar.
Lila Roy was the only Western person who was a real Master of Bengali and understood the Soul and Soil of Bengal, she was a Legend and I do not want the world to forget her.
Babu Kishan designed the patchwork (Guduri) dress that now most Bauls wear today for performances, this is 'Baul History' if you wear or wore this dress or your GURU wore this dress, you follow this lineage.
If you sing the songs of this lineage you follow this lineage, if you dress as the women Baul from the film Tagori, Babu Kishan designed that style and dress too, it is the film about his aunt Radharani Dasi.
If you use Ektara Baya and Nagpur around your feet you are following Nabani Das Khyapa Baul (Period).
Babu Kishan Albums, Music Composed, Lyrics, Produced, Marketing on Top Labels by Babu Kishan
Krishnendu Das aka Babu Kishan age 22
First Let'sDiscover
Vaishnava Baul is an oral Sanskrit tradition and vernacular Birbhum Bengali, the stories are recorded in the songs.
The whole Bhagavad Gita is one song, oral storytelling and teaching about he Bhagavad Gita. Baul starts with Radha and Krishna 5000 years ago, world music from the 1960's on World stages around the world, including Albums. Babu is the eldest son of Purna Das Baul and the late Manju Dasi. He was raised by Sri Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Brajabala Dasi in Siri Birbhum until age 8, then moved to Calcutta and spent 12 years at the Ramakrishna Mission. Manju Dasi his mother is the first Women Baul to travel the world starting back in the 1960's until the mid 2000's she traveled every corner of the globe and performed on every stage, her story is truly what legends are made of. Manju was an extremely talented Folk musician, an HMV/EMI and Polydor artist. Manju was the first Female Baul (Baulini) and perhaps the only to date to be a"A class female Baul singer in India" she was the first Baul to introduce Harmonium to Baul, before her the Bauls did not use the harmonium. Manju was the first Baul to introduce official Lalon Fakir songs to Radio, TV, recordings and film. Brajabala Dasi his Grandmother and his Aunt Radharani Dasi were Baul Women Guru's who taught all the women. The people who are fundraising to preserve Baul do not mention and deleted their names, this is Cultural Appropriation. There is no Baul without these Women, they are the only Legendary Baul Women. Baul is extinct. Babu Kishan is the only Baul to preserve his one and only Lineage of Baul, he started to preserve it in the 1960's and it was complete by 2007. Without mentioning the names of this family there is no Baul there is no other lineage (period). Why because they are history and the only lineage, the rest is just made up stories, trying to take the stories of this tradition, their stories, their songs deleting the names and making up your own. |
Now let's WORKPreserve
Folk Music of India and Bengal must be preserved by someone who understands Folk Music and Baul.
Baul Music is one of the first World Music to be spread around the world since the 1950, 1960's onward. Babu Kishan is one of the first people to compose Indian Folk, World Music and Baul he is a pioneer and creator of Baul Fusion Music. BabuKishan is the only one of the very few living authentic oral Sanskrit authorities alive today regarding the Bauls from inside the tradition who is also, a Scholar . He is a pioneer in preserving Baul and no Baul would have songs to sing if he and his family had not recorded all back in the 1950, onward. Today fake Bauls are singing their songs recorded in the 1960's and as if they are the writer of the song. Not only that there are some who are putting other poets names on songs that were recorded by this family long ago. Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das is starting to speak now because he is seeing a prolific amount of mis-information on Baul by the many scholars, PhDs, new Bauls singers and writers who are lacking information in what the authentic Baul lineage is really about, |
True knowledge and wisdom from the real Folklore, the real authentic Folk traditions comes from understanding the music and languages of the land.
It has to start from the people who have lived the traditions, outsiders can not understand because they do not have an understanding of the deep culture of the land. They do not understand how the people of the land think, it is easy today to take pictures and copy and paste all sorts. We live in a world of internet Guru's who have not lived the tradition. We must bring out the real and give the real a voice. Support our Folk Traditions at the ground level. Support World Music. There are other Folk traditions without a voice. We must support this silent voice. The true authentic hidden away in the cracks that have the true stories. Cultural Appropriation is a real issue and needs to be acknowledged. The stories of the soul and soil of the land need to be respected. |
Some Past Lectures and Baul Performances @ Universities around the world.
UCLA, Columbia, Chicago University, Boston University, Pennsylvania Music College, Baltimore Music College, Philadelphia Arts and Music College, Kansas University Music, St Louis University, Washington and Lee, University of Washington, University of Toronto, Harvard, Mumbai University, Whistling Woods Film Institute in Mumbai, San Francisco College of Arts, Berkeley University Music School, Red Wood University, San Diego University, University of Victoria, Cambridge and Oxford in UK, Berlin Music College, Stuttgart University, Bremen University Germany, Hamburg University, Cologne University, University Germany, Zurich University, Geneva University, Brussels University, Rome University of Fine Arts, University of Honk Kong, University of Bangkok, University of Singapore, Delhi University, University of Mauritius, University of Johannesburg South Africa ... more to be listed
UCLA, Columbia, Chicago University, Boston University, Pennsylvania Music College, Baltimore Music College, Philadelphia Arts and Music College, Kansas University Music, St Louis University, Washington and Lee, University of Washington, University of Toronto, Harvard, Mumbai University, Whistling Woods Film Institute in Mumbai, San Francisco College of Arts, Berkeley University Music School, Red Wood University, San Diego University, University of Victoria, Cambridge and Oxford in UK, Berlin Music College, Stuttgart University, Bremen University Germany, Hamburg University, Cologne University, University Germany, Zurich University, Geneva University, Brussels University, Rome University of Fine Arts, University of Honk Kong, University of Bangkok, University of Singapore, Delhi University, University of Mauritius, University of Johannesburg South Africa ... more to be listed